Forget Brangelina, Posh And Becks. kid Stars Tyler Ford And Phoebe Austin Are The New Dream Team

Child musical prodigy Phoebe Austin and 9 times World Champion Tyler Ford come together to create the youngest power couple in History


10-year-old martial arts champion Tyler Ford and 13-year-old singing and songwriting prodigy Phoebe Austin are getting together!  Perhaps the two most talked about youngsters in the UK right now Phoebe Austin and Tyler Ford are both media Child powerhouses in their own rights.  teaming up with a combined age of 23 they will create the youngest power duo the UK has ever seen.

Tyler Ford is already a ‘Hall of Fame’ martial artist with 0ver 200 medals he is a multiple 9x World champion, and also a triple gold medallist in the world Martial Arts Games. Tyler will be receiving the BCA medal at Westminster Palace on the 18th of October 2018.  Courted by TV, Radio and press, sponsors and media Tyler Ford is the next big thing in sports and entertainment. Tyler also recently became a brand ambassador for LoveHate clothing.

Phoebe Austin has been singing, songwriting, playing music and performing since she was 7 years old, winning multiple competitions and awards she has been recognized as a unique musical talent.  Already compared to fellow Suffolk native Ed Sheeran, she has been featured on TV, Radio and in the press. Phoebe is about to release her debut single ‘Thinking’ on the 26th of November and was hailed as the most talked about Teenager in the UK.

Now these two amazing young and super talented youngsters are getting together.  Both Tyler and Phoebe are managed by Brandon Q W McConnell who partners with Stevie Eagle E and Shlepp Entertainment.  Tyler is making big moves into film and music.  Brandon suggested they both work together.  He spoke with Stevie Eagle E about it and Stevie Eagle E agreed to put two prodigies together and friendship has blossomed.

Palace of Westminster
Palace of Westminster

Tyler Ford will be flying from Wales to support Phoebe Austin at her exclusive single Launch event on the 26th of November in Sudbury and we have been informed that Tyler has invited Phoebe Austin to support him when he goes to Westminister Palace to pick up his BCA medal on 18th of October 2018,  Phoebe will link up with Tyler after he picks up his medal to congratulate and support him.  He has already received personal letters from Prince Charles and the Prime Minister.

Phoebe Austin Live on the BBC
Phoebe Austin Live on the BBC

The entertainment industry has seen many power couples Brangelina, (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jollie), Posh and Becks, (David Beckham and Posh Spice) and now Beyonce and Jay Z.  Tyler Ford and Phoebe Austin will make the youngest entertainment Power duo we have ever seen who are not actually siblings.

Not too much is coming out of either camp on what Phoebe Austin and Tyler Ford have planned, but we have been told that it will be something big.  So as the youngest entertainment power duo get together we await news on what exactly these two amazing talented kids will bring us.

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