State of Bahia, Brazil Poised To Make History With Brand New FEELn Festival Event

A brand new festival in Bahia Brazil is about the change the way festivals are perceived.

Members of the Feeln festival team pose with Ademar Lopes Fernandes and other key officials from the Bahia State government
Members of the Feeln festival team pose with Ademar Lopes Fernandes and other key officials from the Bahia State government

Bahia Brazil is no stranger to making history when it comes to live entertainment events.  Rio steals the limelight when it comes to the carnival in Brazil, the biggest carnival and live event in history is held every year in Bahia Brazil.  Now Bahia is set to host another potentially historic event that will fuse entertainment, culture, sport, film, philanthropy, and charity with the FEELn festival. A festival that will host some of the biggest names in entertainment along with some of the greatest cultural artists, dancers, chefs, fashion designers fine artists and filmmakers and it’s all about raising funds to help children in need and communities in distress worldwide.

Yesterday at the Government centre in Bahia a special meeting was held between top members of the Bahian State Government and members of the FEELn festival team, led by Stephen Ellis (Director and founder of Feeln), Peter Bielig (Director and head of music for Feeln), Leslie Loh (Feeln ambassador and head of youth development for Feeln).  This meeting was held to initiate a unique and historic partnership between Bahia and the FEELn festival.  The FEEln festival will not only change the perceived view of festivals but also change the lives of thousands of children in need and communities for the better globally.  The FEELn festival takes the phrase ‘Giving back’ to a whole new level!

A Major part of the FEELn festival is its Charitable, community and philanthropic endeavours most of these are built around children in need and communities at risk all around the world.  Leslie Loh head of One Gaia which is one of the main partner foundations with FEELn flew in from Hong Kong specifically for this meeting together with Ferdie Morris who flew in from London.  With the FEELn festival just over six months away everything is being stepped up to make it a success.

Because the FEELn festival works hand in hand with provinces states and governments from several countries it has the potential to be bigger and more substantial than anything that has gone before it.  From its conception, the FEELn festival was formed to be a festival for the people that was done in conjunction with local, state and national governments to enable them to feed back into the communities that need help and especially motivate and help the youth.

Founder and Director of the FEELn festival Stephen Ellis aka Stevie Eagle E said that his goal is to make the FEELn festival the biggest festival in the world and make it an entertainment project that will raise more funds for communities and children in need than anything that has gone before as it continues to grow and develop year on year.  He went on to say ‘The FEELn festival is not starting small and getting bigger, It’s starting big and going to become huge!’

Find out more about the FEELn festival at