Robert Mueller Speaks Before The House Judiciary Committee: Schedule


On July 24, 2019, Robert Mueller is set to testify at 8:30 am est in front of the House Judiciary Committee. When finished, at noon est he is scheduled to speak to the House Intelligence Committee.

Mueller will be questioned for three hours in front of the house, and it is expected to focus on the obstruction of justice primarily.

The second session will last for two hours and will focus on the interference in the 2016 election by Russia.

The former special counsel’s testimony will be aired on networks such as MSNBC, CNN, C-Span, Fox News, ABC, and NBC. Vox will live-stream Mueller on Facebook and Twitter.

Mueller’s will testify almost four months after he finished his investigation. Three months ago, a redacted version of his report was released.

Democrats feel that Mueller’s testimony regarding his 448-page report will deliver the facts to the public since the majority has not read the report in its entirety.

Mueller has stated previously that his testimony would be regarding what was written in his report.

The Justice Department told Mueller in a letter that he may only testify about things he had written about in the report that he made public.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer wrote to Mueller:

“Any testimony must remain within the boundaries of your public report. Those privileges would include discussion about investigative steps or decisions made during your investigation not otherwise described in the public version of your report.

As the Attorney General has repeatedly stated, the decision to testify before Congress is yours to make in this case, but the Department agrees with your stated position that your testimony should be unnecessary under the circumstances.”

Mueller asked guidance from the Justice Department regarding his testimony.

Written by Barbara Sobel


Vox: What to expect in Robert Mueller’s testimony about the Trump-Russia investigation
National Public Radio: 6 Questions Congress May Ask Robert Mueller During His Testimony
The Wall Street Journal: Robert Mueller Is Told to Stick to Public Findings in Testimony

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