The little reggae video with a big message is in with a chance of a Grammy

Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival) reggae video has been submitted for the best video Grammy award at this year's Grammies. Could this little video, featuring artist from all around the world, shouting the message of climate change actually win a Grammy?


When a group of artists from around the world got together to create a song urging people to ‘Love our planet’.  Mahdah Urf (Earth song revival) was born.  On the face of it there does not seem to be much new about something like this, but look a little closer and you begin to see the attraction of this song and the video that sprung from it.  Not only is it a truly global collaboration featuring artists from Jamaica, USA, China, Sweden, Switzerland, Barbados and beyond.  It is also a reggae song.  Yep, a Reggae song lead by Reggae artists is taking centre stage on the environmental issue globally.

The song and story originally hit the news in July causing a stir on the music scene.  The song pays homage to Michael Jacksons Earth song and has an incredible list of artists featured: Richie Spice, Esco, Popin, Talis, V8Nam, Maiyalee heading up the Jamaican contingent. Then there is Chinese Opera star, Jane Maria, Brazilian rapper Kaos MC, Mexican singer Jah Fabio, Swedish songstress Raven Reii, Kymmi from Barbados and Andrew Robinson from Switzerland making up the rest.

The video not only features all of the artists but also other artists and people from around the world who participated in making the video using their mobile phones.  Making it a truly global effort with a serious message.  With Greta Thunberg turning the world on its head by directly challenging the governments of the world to step up on the environment and, with huge stars like Leonardo DiCaprio making themselves heard on the issue of Climate change, Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival) hit at the right time to capture the hearts and minds of the people.

Stevie Eagle E of Shlepp Entertainment Produced and Directed Mahdah Urf (Earth song revival) video

Produced and directed by Stevie Eagle E (also known as Eagle E) of Shlepp Entertainment.  The video does not try to be pretentious or overbearing, In fact it works perfectly with the social media generation allowing people to express themselves in a real way.  This realness and charm are what has given the video its virality.  Most who see it, love it as simple as it is.  With huge players like Qadree El-Amin behind the Mahdah Urf song and video, it was perhaps no surprise that it got considered for a Grammy and accepted! So now we have a situation where a little reggae video about the environment could possibly win Best Video at this year’s Grammies.  It just being nominated is amazing enough.  Speaking with Stevie Eagle E the Director and producer of the video he told us:

Yeah, it’s pretty cool.  We had a lot of fun doing this video and it was something that we did almost on the spur of the moment.  With everyone scattered all over the world the cost of producing it would have been astronomical so I decided to let everyone shoot things on their phones, send it to us and we would put it together.  So that is what we did, and it just worked out. It could have been terrible, but it turned out really cool.  Obviously people expecting a super high def 4k video with loads of action shots, slow motion or twerking may be a little disappointed.  For us, the main thing is getting the message out there and nothing does that better than music.  So if this video makes a little noise and makes people think whether it wins or not I am happy.  The fact that it has made it through to the nominations is testament enough to the importance of this video.

At Globalnewsink we encourage you if you are a voting member for the Grammies to check out the song and vote for it.  Perhaps a little Grammy history could be made.  Click on the video above and make your own decision.

If you wish to find out more about Mahdah Urf (Earth song revival) you can visit the website