Woman Arrested After Sending Michigan Election Official Images Of ‘Bloody, Naked, Mutilated, Dead Woman’


A New Hampshire woman has been arrested and faces felony charges after allegedly sending “horrifying, menacing” threats to the chairwoman of Michigan’s Wayne County board of canvassers, which was at one point deadlocked over certifying the presidential election results.

Prosecutors said 23-year-old Katelyn Jones began threatening Monica Palmer, the board of canvassers chairwoman after Palmer voted against certifying Wayne County’s votes, which overwhelmingly went to President-elect Joe Biden.

The threats allegedly included sending images of bloodied corpses to Palmer, while saying, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s your beautiful daughter.”

Palmer’s daughter, who is a minor, and husband were both threatened by name in text messages, U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider said.

Palmer was also called a “racist and a terrorist,” according to Schneider.

Jones was arrested by FBI agents in New Hampshire Wednesday morning, but had just moved there after living in Michigan at the time she allegedly sent the threats, Schneider said.

“You should be afraid. Your daughter should be afraid, and so should your husband,” one of the threats read, according to Schneider, who said Jones also stated she wanted Palmer in pain.

Jones has been charged with transmitting threatening communications in interstate commerce. She could face up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine as high as $250,000 if convicted.