Twitter Suspends GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene As Democrats Push To Expel Her From Congress


Twitter has once again suspended the account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., her office said Friday, March 19, 2021, as dozens of House Democrats move to expel the conspiracy-embracing lawmaker from Congress.

Greene, who has previously promoted the baseless pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy and supported calls for violence against Democrats, said in a campaign message that Twitter suspended her account around 1 a.m. Friday “without explanation,” her office told CNBC.

Greene’s account is locked for 12 hours, according to that campaign message.

Spokespeople for Twitter did not immediately confirm the suspension or provide comment on Greene’s claims.

Twitter had previously temporarily suspended Greene in January for spreading misinformation.

Greene’s office raised suspicions about the timing of the social media giant’s latest action, which allegedly came hours before Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., introduced a resolution to expel Greene from Congress. There was no immediate evidence to back up the suspicions.

“I believe some of my Republican colleagues, and one in particular, wish harm upon this legislative body. And I’m not saying this for shock value,” Gomez said on the House floor Friday morning.

“It’s the conclusion I drew after a member of Congress advocated violence against our peers, the speaker and our government,” Gomez said of Greene.

Gomez spokesman Eric Harris told CNBC that 72 House Democrats have co-sponsored his one-page resolution, which simply states that “pursuant to article 1, section 5, clause 2 of the United States Constitution, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, be, and she hereby is, expelled from the House of Representatives.”

The co-sponsors include Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Eric Swalwell and Maxine Waters of California, and Joaquin Castro of Texas.

Gomez on Friday directly tied Greene’s most controversial past statements, many of which were made before she took office, to the deadly invasion of the Capitol on Jan. 6 by a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters.

“It is what I believed after this chamber was turned into a crime scene just 10 weeks ago. It’s how many of us felt sheltering in this room as the Capitol was breached. Some members called their loved ones to say goodbye, others prayed to their God, and I asked myself if this would be the day our democracy died,” Gomez said.

“I take no joy in introducing this resolution, but any member who incites political violence and threatens our lives must be expelled, and I’ll do everything I can in my power to protect our democracy and keep all my colleagues safe,” he said.

Gomez in late January had shared plans to draft a resolution for Greene’s expulsion, saying at the time, “her very presence in office represents a direct threat against the elected officials and staff who serve our government.”

In February, the House voted to strip Greene of her committee assignments. All Democrats and 11 Republicans supported that resolution.

Shortly before it passed, Greene had expressed some regret for spreading false conspiracy claims, including QAnon and her reported suggestion that some school shootings had been staged.