Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin Said That He Would Not Support Bernie Sanders In Presidential Race

Joe Manchin

In an interview with Fox News on October 30, 2019, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said he would not support Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) if he were the presidential nominee against Donald Trump.

Manchin appeared on ‘Your World with Neil Cavuto’ on Wednesday, and he said he would “absolutely not” support the Vermont senator’s agenda.

He began by saying, “I think that Bernie brings a lot to the table. [He] makes you think a little bit, kind of gets the blood going, stirring and everything, but it’s not practical where I come from.”

Cavuto then asked Manchin whom he would vote for in a hypothetical Trump-Sanders match up. He answered, “Well, it would not be Bernie.”

After asked if he would vote for Trump, he stated: “Let us just say I am going to make decisions based on what is best for my country and my state.”

During the interview, Manchin said that he had ideological differences regarding Sanders’ “Medicare For All” healthcare policy.

“Bernie keeps saying ‘Medicare for All,'” the senator said. “I said, ‘Bernie, we cannot even pay for Medicare for some.”


Washington Examiner: Democratic senator refuses to back Sanders in hypothetical Trump-Sanders general election
The Hill: Manchin says he wouldn’t back Sanders against Trump in presidential race

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