Can reggae tip the environmental balance and heal Mahdah Urf?

With the release of Mahdah Urf song and the Border splash benefit concert in Switzerland Reggae stars and music is finally taking the forefront on the issue of the environment.


Mahdah Urf Collective and Danger Zone Benefit concert Artists

There is no doubt that the biggest issue affecting us all is climate change and the environment.  Let’s face it, without a planet what difference do all the other issues make?  Almost every week we are looking at some type of environmental disaster happening around the world.  Things are getting to the stage where we cannot afford to ignore it anymore, yet still, most people continue to ignore it bubbled in their ‘I’m alright Jack’ attitude or it being over there, and not over here.  Many people do not quite get the concept of an ecosystem delicately balanced, and what happens ‘over there’ will eventually effect ‘over here’.

Getting this message across in an ego-driven, self-centered, materialistic world is the priority of those who see the outcome if nothing is drastically done soon.  Now a new voice has entered the debate, a new sound, a new vibe, and as is often the case it is led by music.  This time Reggae music, black artists entrepreneurs, moguls, and businessmen have taken up the mantle and have decided to run with it.

Mahdah Urf (Earth song Revival)

On July the 15th 2019 a group of artist calling themselves ‘The Mahdah Urf Collective’ Will release a new track ‘Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival).  The song is already trending in Jamaica, it’s birthplace and quickly spreading around the globe.  Inspired by the late great Michael Jacksons Earth song, this song, takes the baton and runs with it and its effect will be truly significant.  Why?  Because true Reggae has always been by the people, for the people.  In it’s truest form Reggae has always been the music of enlightenment, truth, and rebellion as well as an expression of love and humanity that goes beyond colour or gender.  So much so that UNESCO has now recognized Reggae adding it to its cultural heritage list.  So it is perfect timing that Black business, movers and shakers, and artists are now stepping forward to use Reggae to bring the message of climate change to the world.

Visionary leaders of this project Corin Smith (Emperial Group) and Andrew Williams Jnr and Qadree El-Amin have been campaigning and pushing forward on the issue of the environment for decades.  However, it is not until now, until that final element (The right song) has been put into place at the right time that people are truly beginning to pay the kind of attention that could facilitate a shift in behavior and attitude.  Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival) has changed the game.  Reggae music is changing the game.  Connecting with Mavericks like Della Danger Drummond, Stevie Eagle E, Empress Rose, and others help bring the musical, media and entertainment element to the mix.  The environment and climate change are no longer being preached by those who are not truly connected to those who do not really care.  Now it is coming real and hard from artists and people everyone can relate to and understand.  It is no longer just ‘over there’ or someone else’s problem.  Reggae music, artists, Mahdah Urf with it’s collective of global artists, musicians and businessmen and women from everywhere means that Climate change is now ‘Over here!’. Black artist and music as a group have taken too long to put themselves center stage on the issue of the environment and climate change.  That now has changed.

Mahdah Urf - Danger Zone Border Splash Benefit concert

Mahdah Urf (Earth song revival) has an impressive line up of talent that includes: Richie Spice, Talis, Popin, Maiyalee, V8nam, Sultan and Esco (from Jamaica). Jane Maria (China) Kymmi (Barbados), Raven Reii (Sweden), Andrew Robinson (Switzerland), Kaos Mc (Brazil) and Jah Fabio (Mexico). All of the artists will take part in a huge environmental awareness and benefit event on July 31st at the SEG Geneva Arena.  They will be joined on stage by a host of Reggae legends and greats including Grammy award-winning Reggae artists and writer Buju Banton along with Major Mackerel, Eek-A-Mouse, Etana, Rygin King, Ras Theo and rising stars from around the globe like Welsh songstress Aleighcia Scott and more stars joining the movement and event daily this event is shaping up to be an ‘I was there’ moment for all those lucky enough to make it.

Mahdah Urf

The time is now for us in the worldwide Black community to take the lead.  As ‘The Windrush’ community in the UK are waking up to the reality of where they truly stand in the scheme of things after years of hoping everything was ok, so must the black community globally wake up to the reality that the fight to save the planet does not belong to someone else, but to all of us, perhaps especially us, as we pride ourselves on being closer to the earth, now it’s time for us to kick in and show up in the fight to protect our mother. Prominent lawyer Hilary Brown of Virgo Consultancy Services in Wales is part of the team working on the Mahdah Urf Danger Zone Border Splash concert and beyond and she has seen close up what apathy can do.  Her company is the champion of the forgotten and neglected from the Windrush generation.  There is no tomorrow with this fight.  There is only today.

So as we close in on the 15th of July and the release of Mahdah Urf (Earth song Revival) on Shlepp Entertainment, we encourage all of you if nothing else to share the song, make sure everyone you know hears it.  It is one of those songs you only have to hear it once and you will fall in love with it. You can stream the song ahead of release at as well as get tickets and info about the event on the 31st of July.  Further information and also tickets can also be found at

If you wish to go further you cannot only purchase the song but you can also join and donate to the movement and cause and do your bit for Mahdah Urf.  Check out the links below. Don’t forget to join them on their facebook page:


Campaign Link         
Facebook donations Link
YouTube Link