No, Alleged Former Yacht Girl Meghan Markle Is Not Getting A Talk Show


Next up from the PR team of Harry’s wife …. let us float to the public “Meghan Markle is getting a talk show!”

Let me show you logically why this will not happen.

First, a disclaimer. I did not interview ‘sources.’ I am just using my logic as an award-winning promoter (

This is my opinion, and I will provide the reasoning behind how I formed my opinion.

Deciding to start a new talk show takes a heck of a lot of work.

The most important aspect of a talk show, obviously, is the host/hostess. The individual must be popular at the time of the talk show and relevant. Choosing the wrong person would be the death of the talk show.

Do you remember the talk shows from Kris Jenner, Bethenny Frankel, Chevy Chase, Magic Johnson, Wanda Sykes, Khloe Kardashian, Megan Mullally, Alan Thicke, Caroline Rhea, Orlando Jones, Bonnie Hunt, George Lopez, Queen Latifah, Martin Short, Tempestt Bledsoe, Russell Brand, Carnie Wilson, Gabrielle Carteris, Brian McKnight, Keenen Ivory Wayans, John McEnroe, Tony Danza, Harry Connick Jr., Wayne Brady, and Kathy Griffin?

No? Why not?

Yes. All the people listed above had talk shows. All of them are big names and were relevant at the time their talk shows aired. Heck. You even have two

Kardashians and, like them or hate them, they are very bankable.

Meghan Markle would be a poorer choice for a talk show than J.K. Rowling.

In my opinion here are some reasons why:


What is the primary purpose of a talk show? To entertain? Give information? Heck no!

The primary purpose of a talk show is to MAKE MONEY. Don’t think otherwise. If the ratings tank (as all the shows above did), the show will be yanked.

One wants a host with a proven track record, a large fan base, and people who would be interested in hearing what they have to say. Then there would be an audience for the show. Thus, the show will have ratings, commercial time can be sold, and money is made.

Let’s look at Meghan Markle’s fan base and track record.


“Finding Freedom”- Less than 5 months after release, it was in the bargain bin. The re-release, aimed toward the fans gained after the Oprah interview, did even worse.

“The Bench” – This book sold just 3,212 copies in its first week of publication, and was deemed a flop. Yes, it hit #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List (after she bought thousands of copies to distribute to libraries.)

In contrast, Mary L. Trump’s book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” sold 1.35 million copies in its first week, according to publisher Simon & Schuster. It sold 950,000 on the first day, setting a record for the publisher.

The question needs to be asked. Which company would spend huge amounts of money on an entity that has demonstrated a large segment of the population does not care about about the individual?


Archewell – The charity spent more on legal fees than they actually raised. The charity raised less than $50,000 in its first year.

This shows:

  • Harry and Meghan do not have a lot of celebrity friends willing to drop a major contribution (and use it as a tax write-off) to help their friends.
  • They do not have a fan base of individuals willing to drop a small donation to help
    If true and not a PR release, add this to the list of exploiting vets by taking pics of them in a veterans cemetery (after bringing their own photographer and tipping off the press so we could get press passes in time), and 9/11 First Responders. Did anybody ask disabled vets when this event is to celebrate them if they wanted to be held hostage and forced against their will to listen to a children’s book by the wife of a man who ignored his military oath and received special treatment in the military?

    their idols. Charities depend on small donations to survive.

  •  There are few if any non-fans who believe in the charity and its mission
  •  They do not have a staff who knows how to get donations. It should be noted that this isn’t the first time the duo hired “questionable” staff members, which will be discussed later.

Harry and his wife have shown that they do not have a strong enough fan base and/or celebrity friends who would donate enough money to make their charity a success.

The question needs to be posed. Is it worth taking a chance on a person to host a brand new talk show who has a limited fan base?

Work Ethics

It takes a lot of work to launch a talk show. The host/hostess has to put in hours and hours trying to make it a success.

Let’s take a look at Harry’s wife’s work ethic with some of her previous outings.


It should be noted. Newsweek is owned by

Harry and his wife were signed to a multi-million dollar deal in 2020 to provide podcasts for the media giant. Since then, they produced one 33-minute holiday podcast in 2020. In 2021, it was announced that the duo hired Rebecca Sananes as Head of Audio for Archewell Podcast Studio.

I must have missed it. She is on the payroll. What has she produced?

After nearly 2 years without a proper podcast, Spotify announced in January 2022 that Spotify’s Gimlet Studio was hiring In-House Producers for Harry and Harry’s wife’s podcast.

Wait. What happened to Rebecca Sananes who is still listed as working with Archewell? If Spotify is hiring people for her job, why is she still on the payroll?

Questions, Questions.


Harry and his wife were hired in 2020. Under their new, multi-year deal at Netflix, the couple would make documentaries, feature films, scripted television shows, and children’s series.

In 2021 it was announced that Harry and his wife added Fargo Producer Nishika Kumble as senior vice president of scripted TV for Archewell Productions. It was said that Kumble would “lead all scripted television productions and work closely with Netflix to produce entertaining content from diverse voices that inform, elevates, and inspires.”

Also in 2021, Harry’s wife reported that Elton John’s husband David Furnish would serve as an executive producer for Harry’s wife’s new animated Netflix series “Pearl”.

Sounds like a great team!

Flash forward. In January 2022, in a job posting Netflix shared on their website for Netflix Animation, the company stated it was looking for a production designer in Los Angeles, California for “Pearl”, a ”CG heartfelt adventure comedy series” that “comes from the mind of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and centers on the adventures of a 12-year-old girl who finds inspiration in a variety of influential women throughout history”.

The production designer hired would help to create the vision of the show, working with the showrunner to help create worlds that would represent different eras of history as the protagonist embarks on an adventure.

Wait. Wasn’t that Nishika Kumble’s job? Does David Furnish know? Why does Nishika Kumble remain on the payroll and how is she getting paid?

Desperate to keep their names in the news (and this was a very bad PR move), in April 2022, Variety announced that in September 2021, Archewell hired Sony Pictures Entertainment exec Fara Taylor as head of marketing. Her job was to oversee all global marketing efforts for its three divisions: Archewell Productions, which has an exclusive deal with Netflix; Archewell Audio, which has an exclusive audio content pact with Spotify; and the not-for-profit Archewell Foundation.

Wow. While this is not illegal, it is unethical.

If Archewell is a non-profit, are Harry and his wife going to donate 100% of anything (which includes their Spotify and Netflix salaries) to the charity? Will they not keep a penny for themselves?

It is not a good look to have as part of a non-profit charity, a branch that is for profit.

Can Harry and his wife explain why their personal salaries were paid by Archewell Productions and amounted to more than the Archewell charity, a branch of Archewell Productions, ever received.

We need a scorecard to keep track of all of this.

This is interesting to note. When those two signed with the companies, they hired staff to provide content. Makes perfect sense, and is expected.

For example. In May 2018, Barack and Michelle Obama launched Higher Ground Productions after signing a multi-year deal with Netflix. The company was to produce scripted and unscripted film and television projects.

Many of the projects the Obamas developed for Netflix dealt with issues important to the African American community.

In total, the Obamas have hosted or produced four children’s TV programs; five

‘Opportunistic Dementia’

movies; three TV series; two spoken word albums.

Since Harry’s wife is an Obama fan, she can strive to have her Archewell Productions be as successful as Higher Ground Productions.

As shown, the Obamas have a work ethic, provided content, and won awards, making their contracts with Spotify and Netflix good deals for the companies.

Based on the work ethics of Harry and his wife, and the hard work necessary to start a talk show, why would anybody hire Harry’s wife when she has demonstrated:

  • She is unable to produce content
  •  Her staff are not producing material for which they are being paid
  • The employer would have to hire additional workers, an unexpected cost
  • Harry’s wife’s employees are incapable of getting the job done
  •  One would lose money if she is hired

Logically, who would get a better rating as a talk show host? Someone who is a success like Michelle Obama, or Harry’s wife? Who would make more money for the employer?

Ellen Interview

November 18, 2021, will go down in history. It was the infamous Ellen

  • Some of the major talking points in the interview were:
  • Harry’s wife described meeting Ellen for the first time at a pet shop.
  • Harry’s wife told a story regarding auditioning for parts. She infamously said
    that the key to her car stopped working on the driver’s side so she had to climb
    in through the trunk.
  • Harry’s wife thinks “one child is a hobby, two children are parenting”.
  • Harry’s wife described Archie’s Halloween dinosaur costume, stating “finally
    Harry talked him into putting the head-on.”
  • Harry’s wife adopted her first dog, Bogart, from an animal shelter, after being
    convinced by Ellen to do so.
  • Harry’s wife said she was up all night because her daughter was teething.

It should be noted:

(a) Ellen stated that ‘recollections may vary’ and she didn’t remember meeting
Harry’s wife the way she claimed they did. The Body Language Guy recorded
an excellent video on the subject which can be viewed here:

(b) Harry’s wife remembered minute details of things that happened while she
was trying out for rolls, but suffered from “opportunistic dementia” while in court,
and didn’t remember collaborating on “Finding Freedom”. Well, Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand forgot too. By the way, Ms. Durand seems to be missing since the court case.
(c) Regarding her car’s door being broken, her father stated: “The Ford Explorer she had in her early 20s that she mentioned was a good running vehicle. I don’t remember any time she had to crawl out of the back of it to get
out as she said. The doors worked fine on that vehicle until the day she got rid of it. ”One should ask themselves, “Why the heck didn’t Harry’s wife go through the passenger door as any normal person would?”
(d) The CDC recommends that 2-year-olds shouldn’t wear a simple face mask
to protect themselves from Coronavirus. Every expert on the planet says a 2-year-old child should not wear a full mask on Halloween. To make it clear, no masks of any kind for a 2-year-old is appropriate. What parent would dream
of doing this? Why is Harry’s wife going against expert advice and possibly harming her child by forcing him to wear a mask against his will?
(e) Harry’s wife left her dog Bogart behind when she moved to the United
(f) Harry’s wife was up all night taking care of the children because the girl was teething. I guess the staff was off for the night? Also, the NHS and AMA state that children generally start teething at 6 months. The girl was younger than 6 months old at the time of the interview. However, while unusual, it is possible for children to have teeth prior to that age.

Not to mention how awkward the entire interview was. There was no chemistry and it wasn’t smooth.

If this was a tryout for a host position, Harry’s wife failed miserably. Unlike Catherine, she isn’t natural and is not likable and relatable to the audience.

We won’t mention the squatting and drinking from a milk bottle incident, which was extremely unprofessional and cringe-worthy.

Failed Projects

When deciding on a host, the projects the individual participated in and if they were a success is scrutinized. If an actress is being considered, one looks at how successful her movies or tv projects were. If it is a musician, is the
person relevant today, or a ‘living legend’ from the past?

Let’s take a look at some of Harry’s wife’s projects.


As previously mentioned, the charity grossed less than $50,000 the first year. Fiscally, it was a failure. One has to ask, what exactly has the charity done?

Besides making up the ‘NAACP Archewell Digital Civil Rights Award.’

Let us congratulate Safiya Noble who is affiliated with Archewell for being named the first recipient of the $100,000 award.

Wait. What? An award was made and the first recipient was previously affiliated with the charity prior to winning the award. Nah. No conflict of interest here.

None at all.

Shame on the NAACP for being associated with such nonsense and unethical behavior.

Clevr Blends Oat Milk Latte

In December 2020 Harry’s wife started promoting her role in the company. She gifted her BFF Oprah a sample of the product and she promoted it on her Instagram saying “Wish I had @clevrblends sooner cause I would’ve added it
to my Favourite Things list.”

After the ‘Ethically Sourced’ coffee company was accused of having ties to a Chinese state accused of genocide, we never heard from them again.


Harry and Harry’s wife joined Ethic, which advises wealthy clients on how to invest their money more sustainably, prioritizing issues like climate change and human rights.

They also, allegedly, invested in the company.

We never heard about the company again after people learned that Ethic poured tens of millions into chemical, pharma, and oil companies. Also. Did I mention social media? We know how much Harry and his wife love social media.

I am old enough to remember when Haz said that he contacted Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey to warn him about the January 6th insurrection.

Maybe the police should be talking to Haz? After all, he knew the January 6th insurrection was going to happen.  Strange he would contact the police if he had knowledge that people were going to attempt a coup.

Similar to when Harry’s wife said she was suicidal and she told human resources instead of her OBGYN.  We won’t mention that she couldn’t tell her husband or her mother who is a social worker.  But I digress.


While only Prince Harry was hired for this project, I am adding it, because as we know, Haz isn’t permitted to do anything by himself.

I have no clue what happened to them. Their Instagram has 14 posts and 17 followers, and the CEO Bryan Dove, has provided no information regarding what he is doing with the company.

40 x 40 Inititive

The program announced as part of Harry’s wife’s ’40th birthday’ celebrations they sought to have 40 notable women volunteer 40 minutes of their time to other women looking to return to work.

We all know how Harry’s wife sent merch to celebrities and influencers hoping they would help promote the project. Well, how did that work for her? Are those crickets I hear?

As shown, it has been proven that everything Harry’s wife touches…. dies.

Unethical Behavior

When the Archbishop of Canterbury is forced to put out a statement saying that he did not marry the couple, Houston, you have a problem.

We don’t need to list all the lies. Sugars will ignore them anyway.

Then there is the little ‘opportunistic dementia’ incident when Harry’s wife lied to the court.

If Haz’s wife could not remember collaborating on “Finding Freedom,” and the name of her OBGYN, (we all remember how the OBGYN’s husband said it wasn’t true), how could the poor dear possibly be a host and remember lines?

Look, there always is a possibility somebody would offer her a slot. You hear about someone having a terminal illness and by a miracle they are cured!

My question to you is. If you were going to take a chance and spend millions of dollars starting a new talk show when ratings for talk shows are going down as people lose interest, is this the individual you would take a chance on?