Beyonce and Jay-Z Challenge – Try Veganism


After having children the power couple of 37-year-old singer Beyonce and  49-year-old Jay-Z changed the way they eat. The couple has are parents to 6-year-old Blue Ivy Carter and twins who are 1-year-old Rumi Carter and Sir Carter, and have been advocates for veganism and have written the forward for Marco Borges who is Bey’s trainer.

The book is entitled ‘The Greenprint: Plant-Based Diet, Best Body, Better World, ”   and Borges uses the book to discuss how going vegan can help boost your metabolism and energy, help you lose weight and reduce inflammation. Beyonce and Jay-Z used the book to preach the benefits of eating a plant-based diet.  They wrote in the introduction to the book about how their children changed their outlook on life.

The couple also discussed how having kids is the thing that has changed their lives.  They believed that in order to become healthy one had to be on a diet.   Some of the diets worked, others did not. 

Once they learned not to focus on being on a diet, but focus on being healthy, it became their mission to share their findings with the world. They concluded their piece by saying everybody must stand up for the planet’s health and one’s individual health.  Everybody should stand in harmony together.  This should be made everybody’s mission and everybody’s moment and we should become ‘the Greenprint.

’Beyonce and Jay-Z are realistic saying that they do not think they can completely convert people to become totally vegan.  They also don’t believe that one can change their eating habits and lifestyle overnight.   Instead, they are trying to convince individuals to incorporate plant-based foods into their diets. 

They feel if people would do this, it would greatly impact the environment and one’s health.In a University of Oxford study, it was shown that the biggest way to impact the environment and reduce one’s carbon footprint is to embrace veganism.

In 2013, the couple first tried veganism, when they partook in a 22-day vegan challenge.   In an interview with People Magazine, Marco told them that he suggest that Beyonce and Jay-Z try a vegan meal one day for breakfast.  He then suggested they eat a vegan meal at lunch.  The couple loved the idea.

Explaining how the couple came to embrace the change, Marco told People that he ‘suggested that we go plant-based for breakfast one day. They were in. Then I suggested that we also do it for lunch, and they loved that idea as well.

After that, he stated Jay-Z called him and said that he had a great idea.  He told him that he and Beyonce want to do the 22-day vegan challenge. They wanted to go totally vegan.

In May, in order to get ready for her Coachella performance, Beyonce turned to veganism.

In March she wrote on her Instagram that its vegan time! 44 days until I hit Coachella. Join me! 

She then invited her over 122 million followers to take part in the 22-days nutrition challenge.