Tucson Mayor Regina Romero Defies Governor’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Ban


One Arizona mayor announced that she will keep the coronavirus vaccine mandate for city workers in place despite Gov. Doug Ducey’s renewal of an executive order banning local governments from imposing the vaccine requirements.

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero made the announcement on Thursday, saying in a tweet that the governor “needs to focus on the crisis at hand and do his job as COVID-19 cases rise and ICU beds dwindle.”

On Wednesday, Ducey issued an executive order banning cities from instituting COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The City of Tucson will keep its current policy requiring employee vaccinations.

“He has no authority to preempt local actions through executive orders,” she said.

Romero added that 99% of city employees have complied with the city’s vaccine mandate or have had an extension approved.

“Our employees answered that call to protect each other and protect our community,” Romero said.

Ducey signed the executive order on Wednesday banning local governments and the state from creating their own coronavirus vaccine mandates.

“No person shall be required by this state, or any city, town or county to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine,” the order states.