Sobel Promotions Presents The Coronavirus Series Featuring Lady B


Coronavirus has changed the music business due to lockdowns and social distancing. Global News Ink will be interviewing artists from the award-winning dance music promotions company Sobel Promotions ( to learn how the music business is being altered by the global pandemic.

UK artist Lady B gives her opinion.

What was the last thing you did musically prior to Coronavirus lockdown?

I am in several bands. I recorded for Sobel Nation Records a song called ‘Try’ with my band Nature of Wires, which features an original mix from Grammy Nominee StoneBridge. The single’s release date is on hold due to Coronavirus. Also, I spent the day at Spirit Studios in Manchester with my band San Pedro Collective, recording and filming a video with a live audience.

What are you doing musically now?

I have been writing virtually with San Pedro – we have written one new track and I have also been working with another producer writing.

We were told things will never go back to the way they were prior to Coronavirus until we discover a vaccine. If social distancing remains, what do you think the future of the music business would look like?

If we can never play live in front of an audience it will be a disaster – for me personally, I am finding it increasingly annoying watching people do online gigs, the quality is often poor and it looks unprofessional. DJ sets are far more palatable in my opinion. I would like to see some of the “big boys” in the record industry get hammered by this, as they have been hammering musicians for years.

Do you have any advice to DJ’s and artists on how to remain relevant and keep their names out there during lockdown?

To be honest, I am not really able to give advice on this. I think the only way you stay relevant is by regular social media, releasing a free download etc. When you find out, let me know?!