Neighbor Of Ma’Khia Bryant States His Security Camera Shows Police Had No Choice But To Shoot Her


Home security footage has captured a new angle of the shooting of Ma’khia Bryant as a neighbor said he believes more people could have been killed if the officer hadn’t shot the 16-year-old black girl dead in Columbus, Ohio.

The 26-second video shows the moments leading up to Tuesday’s fatal incident as a girl – later identified as Bryant – is seen walking down a driveway toward other people at the very same time that a police car pulls up outside the home.

Bryant then appears to suddenly charge at another person in the driveway.

It was captured on a security camera on the garage of the home of Donavon Brinson across the street, who said the incident ‘was violent and all just happened so fast.’

Questions continue to mount over the shooting and the events leading up to it, as cops released a 911 call Wednesday thought to have been made by the 16-year-old minutes before she died, in which she asks the dispatcher to send a police officer ‘now’ as some girls are ‘trying to stab us.’

Bryant’s family say she made the 911 call after a group of other girls were threatening violence, but police are yet to confirm this.

Columbus Police released three body camera videos in a press conference Wednesday as the cop who fired the four shots that killed the 16-year-old was identified as Nicholas Reardon, who had been on the force a little over a year.

In the footage, Bryant is seen holding a knife and charges at two other young women. She appears to be lunging at the second woman with the knife when Reardon opened fire.

The killing of the black girl has sparked protests over police brutality and systematic racism, coming just minutes before white former cop Derek Chauvin was convicted of the murder of George Floyd and as another Columbus cop is charged with murder for the December killing of Andre Hill.

Brinson told the Columbus Dispatch he believes the cop had no choice but to shoot Bryant after watching his home security footage of the altercation.

‘It was violent and all just happened so fast,’ he said.

The footage, which is from much further away than the bodycam footage released by police, shows a young woman dressed in pink and another dressed in dark clothing at the end of the driveway across the street next to a car.

A small group of people are also seen in the road and at least one person in dark clothing further up the driveway.

At this point, an individual in a light-colored top and dark pants is seen emerging from the home.

They appear to be lightly jogging at first before slowing to a walk as they come down the driveway.

This person is followed by Bryant who also walks down the driveway.

The young woman in pink and the person on the driveway are in front of them on the driveway.

Simultaneously, a police car is seen driving into view and pulling up by the side of the road.

An officer – now known to be Reardon – gets out of the vehicle and walks toward the group.

Bryant and the other person from the home appear to be standing still facing the other two people, while a few other people are stood around.

The woman in pink moves back toward the car in front of the driveway.

Bryant appears to suddenly charge at one of the women who then falls to the ground.

Reardon and the woman in pink rush toward the two women but Bryant moves away and then appears to push the woman in pink against the parked car.

It is not clear what led Bryant to charge at the girls at that point or what led to the altercation in the first place.

Brinson said he had witnessed the chaotic scene leading up to the shooting as he drove up to his driveway Tuesday afternoon.

He noticed a commotion going on outside the foster home across the street and initially thought ‘it was just a girl fight,’ he told the Dispatch.

Brinson said he wasn’t concerned by what he saw at the time.

‘They were calling each other the B-word, so I figured it was just a girl fight,’ Brinson said.

He said the situation seemed to have escalated when he took his dog out soon after.

Brinson said he went inside and was in the home with his wife Rachel when the police arrived and they heard four gunshots.

He recounted his wife hitting the floor while he looked out the window of his laundry room and saw Bryant lying on the ground dying.

It was only when he watched his home security footage, which has been handed over to police, that he said he thinks more people might have died had the officer not taken action.

He said neither he nor his father, who lived in the property for 14 years before he moved in in December, had seen anything like that happen before.

The woman who ran the foster home has taken in many children over the years and there has never been any violent incidents, he said.

She told the Dispatch she was at work when the incident happened and did not want to comment.

The deadly shooting has divided opinion in the neighborhood and further afield with neighbor Ira Graham III telling the Dispatch he believes the police bodycam footage shows Bryant was in ‘full attack mode.’

‘I believe in truth and facts. Video doesn’t lie. She was in full attack mode,’ he said.

Bryant ‘was literally aiming a knife at this young lady,’ Graham said of the female in pink.

‘She needed to be stopped at that point. That young lady’s life was at stake.’

But another neighbor said she didn’t know the cop didn’t use the officer who shot Bryant didn’t use a taser instead of firing four bullets at her.

Kayla Cobb said she left flowers at the scene ‘because she was a baby.’

‘He should have told her to put down the knife,’ Tommy Taylor added to the Dispatch.

Interim Chief of Police Michael Woods released bodycam footage from three officers on the scene Wednesday as well as two 911 calls made minutes before the shooting.

n one 911 call, a young woman is heard frantically asking the dispatcher to send police to the address because people are ‘trying to stab us.’

Shouting and a commotion can be heard in the background throughout the call as the dispatcher repeatedly asks ‘what’s going on’ and if the caller has seen any weapons.

The caller begins by giving the address before she stops speaking and inaudible shouting is heard in the background.

‘What’s going on?’ asks the dispatcher.

The woman appears to say ‘come up here’ but the audio is not clear.

‘We got girls out here [inauduible]… trying to fight us and trying to stab us, trying to put their hands on our grandma… [inaudible],’ she says.

‘Can you see any weapons?’ the dispatcher asks, repeating: ‘Ma’am do you see any weapons?’

The caller does not respond .

“We need a police officer over here now. We need a crisis officer over here now,” she says, before the line goes dead.

The call was made at 4:32 pm – around 15 minutes before Bryant was shot at 4:45 pm.

Another call was made by a different woman minutes later but the person says the police are already arriving and hangs up.

Bryant’s family told WBNS-TV that Bryant was the one who called the police for help, saying people were fighting outside her house.

Speaking to 10TV through tears, Paula Bryant said her daughter had called the police for protection and did not expect to be shot dead.

‘This never should have happened,’ she said. ‘She’s a loving girl.’

The police chief declined to comment on who made the calls but confirmed no other 911 calls were made over the incident.

Police released three body camera recordings of the incident.

In one of the horrifying videos, a girl who Bryant allegedly tried to stab is seen getting off the ground as gun shots go off.

‘I didn’t do anything! She was trying to stab me!’ the girl is heard screaming as other officers walked over to Bryant.

The officer directs witnesses into police cruisers.

A second video from a responding officer showed him preparing to render aid to Bryant who was sprawled out on the cement.

As the officer tried to help Bryant, she is heard gasping for breath.

The officer is seen trying to find the entry wounds of the bullets as Bryant lies on the ground in a pool of blood.

A third video shows the view from Reardon’s body camera. He’s seen arriving on the scene of the fight at 4.44pm on Tuesday, and encountering several people fighting outside.

One of them, Bryant, is seen in the video swinging a knife at a young woman in shorts, who falls to the ground.

A slowed-down version of the video shows Bryant then turning her attention toward another woman in a neon tracksuit and pinning her against a parked car.

Officer Reardon pulls out his gun and repeatedly shouts: ‘Get down! Get down!’

As Bryant raises her right hand clutching the knife and directs it at the woman in the tracksuit, who cowers to defend herself from the blow, Reardon fires four shots and Bryant collapses to the ground.

‘You shot my baby!’ a man cries out.

Faced with growing outrage from witnesses, Reardon says: ‘She had a knife. She just went at her.’

The man who called Bryant his ‘baby’ screams at the cop: ‘She’s a f**king kid, man. Are you stupid?’

Bryant was later rushed to Mount Carmel East Hospital, where she died from her injuries.

‘We know based on this footage the officer took action to protect another young girl in our community,’ Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther told reporters during Wednesday’s press conference.

Police initially released portions of Reardon’s body camera video within hours of the shooting in an attempt to ease tensions as Black Lives Matter protesters gathered at the scene.

Authorities said they responded to a stabbing call at around 4.30pm. The shots fired call was made just 15 minutes later.

A witness said Ma’khia got into an altercation with another resident of the home and was armed with the knife to defend herself when police arrived.

Bryant died at 5.21pm, less than an hour after police were summoned to the scene.

The shooting happened about 25 minutes before a judge read the verdict convicting former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin of murder and manslaughter in the killing of Floyd.

It also took place less than five miles from where the funeral for Andre Hill, who was killed by another Columbus police officer in December, was held earlier this year.

The officer in Hill’s case, Adam Coy, a 19-year veteran of the force, is now facing trial for murder, with the next hearing scheduled for April 28.

Less than three weeks before Hill was killed, a Franklin County Sheriff’s deputy fatally shot 23-year-old Casey Goodson Jr in Columbus. The case remains under federal investigation.

Last week, Columbus police shot and killed a man who was in a hospital emergency room with a gun on him. Officials are continuing an investigation into that shooting.