Multi-Millionaire, Married Prince Harry, Who Never Held A Job & Needs Daddy To Pay His Bills, Complains About ‘Burnout’


Prince Harry opened up on the “inner work” he regularly does on himself to stay on top of his mental wellbeing during the Inner Work Day event launched by mental health and coaching firm BetterUp.

The Duke of Sussex joined the company’s CEO Alexi Robichaux and tennis champion Serena Williams in a panel titled Boldly Committing to Inner Work.

During the discussion, Harry stressed the importance of finding the time for self-care to avoid experiencing burnout.

And he revealed to have gone through burnout himself, saying: “I, similar to you Alexi, experienced burnout and throughout that burnout literally getting to the very end of everything I had, any fuel, any steam in the engine, just was like I am burning candles at both ends, it was like, boom.

“That is when you’re forced to look inside yourself because with everything else around you you feel is working against you, the only way you can really combat it and build resilience to your entire environment is the inner work.

“Once you start to understand how and why you react to certain people, certain situations, then you can actually gain control of those situations.

“It doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen, it means your reaction to them is more in your control.”

Prince Harry’s candid confession was received with mixed opinions on social media.

Taking to Twitter, commentator Dominique Samuels wrote: “Does Prince Harry realize how deluded and privileged he sounds?

“The more he talks, the more I just want him to go and find that ‘privacy’ he said he wanted. Leave us alone!!”

One Twitter user, MikeAtwood12, said: “The Prince of woke is on one again is he.”

Another, JulieSparkles88, added: “Bloody hell, he wants to try working 60 or more hours in a factory. And paying the new fuel bill.”

A third, PeddleIan, wrote: “He really needs to read the room.

“Millions are facing fuel rises, heat or eat dilemmas, mortgage payments, inflation, tax rises, job insecurities and he truly believes finding inner self is any ordinary person’s biggest need? Dear god he is SO removed from reality it’s pitiful”.

Others online users, however, supported Prince Harry’s message, with one, Endy4mi writing: “Great conversation by the trio.

“Harry keep living your best life unapologetically. Let the haters stew.”