Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Allegedly Attempted To Gag New York School Children And Teachers From Saying Negative Things About Them

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, reads from her book "The Bench," as Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, foreground right, and second grade students listen, during their visit to P.S. 123, the Mahalia Jackson School, in New York's Harlem neighborhood, Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. Seated background right is Principal Melitina Hernandez. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been accused of attempting to silence students and teachers from speaking negatively about them after a school visit two years ago.

In September 2021, the couple visited one of the poorest schools in New York Public School 123.

Meghan dressed in a suit costing $5,000 and jewelry from Cartier attended to read to second-graders her story “The Bench” filmed by Netflix to obtain footage for their documentary “Harry & Meghan”

Harry sat in the audience with the children.

Prior to the visit, The Sun reports advisors from the couple’s Archewell Foundation demanded that the Harlem school sign teachers and students sign a clause which banned them from making any negative commments about Harry and Meghan to the press.

The request was also included making negative social media posts ‘now or in the future.’

Sources from the Archewell Foundation state this was standard practice.

Freedom of Information requests also show that Meghan and Harry’s team banned four British Newspapers from attended an event at the World Trade Center that the couple attended despite it being a publicly owned building.

Plans for Meghan and Harry’s trip was managed by Tonya Holness, a member of their PR team and began six month’s before the event.

Three Days before Harry and Meghan were to appear at the school, Archewell representatives emailed the Department of Education with their demands.

They requested the ‘appearance release’ which included the gagging clause and asked them to run it by their lawyers.

Another email from NYC schools press secretary Danielle Filson had asked for the best way to get it all agreed but it is not clear if Harry and Meghan’s request of demands was signed.