Like ‘Finding Freedom, ‘ Meghan Markle’s Children’s Book Flops: Prices Cut Already at Waterstones And Amazon


The price of Meghan Markle‘s new children’s book has already been slashed at Amazon and Waterstones ahead of its release date.

The Duchess of Sussex penned The Bench after originally writing a poem for Harry’s first Father’s Day from Archie, who will turn two next month.

It is only due for publication on June 8 – although stores across the UK and USA have already listed it for pre-order online.

The children’s read, published by Penguin Random House, comes with a recommended retail price of £12.99.

But Amazon, Waterstones, and Foyles have already slashed the price down to £9.99 – each boasting a 23 percent saving of £3.

Eager readers can also pre-order the book for a reduced price of £10.99 at WH. Smith, or £11.43 at Blackwell’s.

It is not known if Meghan has received any advance payment for the book or whether any of the profits will be donated to charity.

But popular culture expert Nick Ede told FEMAIL the Duchess would have likely been paid between a 250,000 to 500,000 advance to write it.

“We don’t know yet whether Meghan got an advance but there are rumors that she was offered a 500,000 advance. We don’t know, even if she has been offered this massive advance, whether she will give any money away to charity or whether she will keep it for herself.”