Leee John of Imagination and Stevie Eagle E team up to supply gloves and mask for London careers and homes

Leee John of Imagination and Stevie Eagle E of Shlepp Entertainment have teamed up to supply much-needed gloves and mask to careers and care homes in London.

Leee John of Imagination and Stevie Eagle E of Shlepp Entertainment team up to supply gloves and mask to careers in London

With only a few days to go before the Love Reflection and Hope TV show that will raise money for the NHS the stars of the show along with the producer have come together to offer yet another helping hand to the people of the UK in these challenging times.

Leee John of Imagination and Stevie Eagle E head of Shlepp Entertainment/Shlepp TV announced exclusively to Global News Ink that they have gloves and mask that they wish to give to careers and care home facilities who are struggling to find them.

In a written statement to Global News Ink Stevie Eagle E and Leee John wrote:

‘We are aware that many facilities and careers on the front line are struggling with gloves and mask.  Our love Reflection and Hope event on the 19th of April was in part meant to raise funds for this and help the NHS in other ways.  However the outcry over gloves and mask by everyday careers on the front line, care homes and facilities has prompted us to move and we have acquired a supply that we wish to get out to those who need it the most.  If you are a career, a care home or facility in London, in fact anywhere in the UK and you contact us at Info@shleppentertainment.com with your details we will try to get you what you need while our stocks last.  Our aim is to help the smaller facilities, homes and front line careers in real trouble right now.  We cannot help everyone, but we will help as many people as we can.’

Leee John of Imagination and Stevie Eagle E of Shlepp Entertainment supplying mask and gloves to careers in the UK

For more information on the Love Reflection and Hope TV event on the 19th of April 2020 live online please visit www.shleppentertainment.com/events.  This event is raising much-needed funds for the NHS.