Get To Know Sobel Promotions Larry Peace – Exclusive Q&A


Q:  How did you get started in the music business?

A:  I started out as a mobile DJ in my teens playing for weddings, school dances, and corporate events. I’ve always wanted to create my own music as well, so I eventually taught myself how to produce music.

Q:  Did your parents encourage you or did they tell you to get a real job?

A:  No way. My parents wanted me to finish college and become an architect or illustrator.

Q:  What music influenced you when growing up How did you get started in remixing?

A:  I fell in love with extended versions of songs and remixes as a kid. I also possessed this uncanny desire to hear favorite parts of songs on a loop, so I began experimenting with a double-cassette player (way before pro-tools existed). I’d make my own edits of songs and immediately fell in love with the process of doing it. I knew around age six that that was the only job I ever truly wanted, and if I could make a living doing it I’d be
so incredibly happy, however, my parents were not like Beyonce’s or Britney’s and they saw things much differently.

Q:  What equipment do you use to remix?

A:  I use Bandlab/Cakewalk’s Sonar and plenty of Virtual Synth Instruments.
The music industry is a very difficult profession. What have been your disappointments?
The drama and negativity that runs rampant throughout the industry are pretty heartbreaking. The fact that music business is a multi-billion dollar industry yet only a small group of artists and producers seem to be able to make a decent living. Also, and probably most importantly, the apparent lack of diversity, especially in the dance music world. For example, the Forbes, top 10, highest-paid DJs are still all straight, white men.
I mean come on, man. Seriously?

Q:   Do you remember the first time you heard one of your mixes played?

A:  Yes, but that was from a few friends of mine who are also DJs. I have yet to hear it randomly from a DJ I don’t know……yet. That’ll be so awesome when that happens.

Q:   Can you talk about some of the people who played your mixes.
How did you feel?

A:  Again they were all friends who spun some older remixes of mine, which was still an honor. Their support offered me a bit of validation at the time. It let me know that I had “done something right” and they believed in the work I had created. I still feel the same way about any DJ that spins any of my work.

Q:  You have a new single out on Sobel Nation Records. Can you tell us about it?

A:  Yes. It’s a little house tune called Waiting written by myself, and a friend who wanted to rebrand himself in attempts to reach a new audience. We’ve joined forces for some of his past work but this time around, when we work together, it’s under the moniker One Man West.

Q:  Do you prefer remixing or producing better?

A:  Remixing by far. It’s far less stressful than working with artists. Especially if you are working for free. Artists can be a pain in the ass and stress you out. Then you’re not even getting paid enough to get aspirin for the headache. LOL. Besides I’m much more in love with re-imagining someone else’s work and trying to get the artist to hear their song in a new light, and still enjoy it. Plus I still love the art of remixing just as much as I did when I was a kid.

Q:  What are your dreams for the future?

A:  One of my dreams, now, is to be the next person of color to crack Forbes’ Top 10 highest paid DJs. Other than that, my dream is still the same: I want that lucky break where I get to make a comfortable living with music production/remixing, DJing and touring.

Q:  If you could work with any artist, who would it be?

A:  Adele. I’d love to be the producer that got Adele to do an original dance/house-y tune of some kind. Oh, you can put that on my future dreams list too. Also P!nk. I looooooooove her so much and would love to create some rock-infused, dance tunes with her.

Q:  What is your favorite genre of music?

A:  I don’t have a specific genre. I simply love music that gives me chills, moves me emotionally, invokes the “stank face cause it’s so funky” or involuntarily jack your body.

Q:  Is there any type of music you hate?

A:  No cause I believe you can find good music in every genre, if you had the time to sit and listen.

Q:  Before your remixes started hitting the charts, you were best known as the DJ for Prince. Can you tell us about that.

A:  All I can truly say is that it was a very surreal experience and a blessing. How many people can say that they’ve stood next to their idols yet alone got to perform for them.  I am forever grateful to have been a part of his orbit.

Q:  You are a Billboard Charting Remixer with a single from KC & The Sunshine Band (out on Armada Music).   How did you feel when you first hit Billboard?

A:  I teared up a bit. As silly as it sounds it was one goal, and small dream come true. All politics aside, there was a little boy from very humble beginnings who prayed for the day he’d do a lot of things and one of them was to make it onto the Billboard charts like all of his musical heroes.  It was an honor to work with KC who is a living legend and I thank him for the opportunity to be part of his remix package.

Q:    You are one of the top remixers at Sobel Promotions. How did you get involved?

A:  I have to give all thanks to a guy named Tony Fuel. He’s a producer/DJ who opened the little window that lead me into the world of Sobel Promotions and Sobel Nation. Things move quite quickly there so I had to hit the ground running.

Q:  What was your greatest accomplishment for 2018 and what plans do you have for 2019?

A:  I feel my greatest accomplishment was the amount of music I was able to crank out in 2018, with the help of my engineer friend Mike Lava. I’ve landed on Billboard charts a few times, and landed a few tunes on Beatport and Traxsource and Barbara Sobel and Sobel Promotions has gotten my work played world-wide. I couldn’t ask for more than that. 2018 has definitely given me a bit of confidence and insight. I am grateful for every fan and DJ that has played and supported any of my work. Extra special thanks to all of the DJs who have take a moment to provide feedback as well. It all assists in my growth and evolution.

As for 2019, I am looking forward to putting out more original tunes with my own voice. I made sure to end 2018 with a taste of that on the Sobel Promotions Charity compilation Tears Aren’t Enough. I have stories I’d like to tell so that’ll be a new experience.  Otherwise,  I will continue to develop my sound while putting out plenty of remixes and originals. And who knows, one of them just might be that lucky one. 

Larry Peace is promoted by Barbara Sobel/Sobel Promotions (