Dr. Fauci Says Joe Rogan Was Wrong To Tell Young Listeners Not To Get Vaccinated


Joe Rogan’s assertion that young, healthy people should skip the COVID-19 vaccine is bad advice, Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor said Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

Fauci was a guest on NBC’s Today show where he called the recent comments by the comic actor “incorrect.”

“You’re talking about yourself in a vacuum,” Fauci said of Rogan, who made the vaccine comments on his Spotify podcast. “You’re worried about yourself and the likelihood and that you’re not going to get any symptoms. But you can get infected, and will get infected if you put yourself at risk.”

Rogan informed his listeners that his children got the virus and were both fine, so therefore it was his assertion all young, healthy people could skip the jab.

“Are you a healthy person? Like, look, don’t do anything stupid, but you should take care of yourself,” said Rogan. “You should — if you’re a healthy person, and you’re exercising all the time, and you’re young, and you’re eating well, like, I don’t think you need to worry about this.”

Rogan’s comments were met with both support and mockery. “Former host of the game show that paid people to eat bugs and put leeches on their face has medical advice,” quipped Andy Richter via Twitter.

Fauci called the view, intentional or not, selfish.

“So if you want to only worry about yourself and not society, then that’s okay,” Fauci said. “But if you’re saying to yourself, even if I get infected I could do damage to someone else even if I don’t have any symptoms at all, that’s the reason you have to be careful and get vaccinated.”