Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, And Nancy Pelosi Will Attend Church With Joe Biden Inauguration Day


Longtime Biden supporter Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, said that Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell attending a church service with President-elect Joe Biden tomorrow before he is sworn in at the US Capitol is a show of unity.

It’s “an important and symbolic gesture of coming together, of the sort of unity that President-elect Biden has been calling for throughout his election and this transition,” Coons said on CNN’s “New Day.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also plan to attend the church service at St. Matthew’s.

“That church service tomorrow is an important part of respecting tradition and signaling the importance of faith in Joe’s life. … And it’s an important reminder of who Joe is and of who we are as a nation — a nation that is hopeful and optimistic. And it’s going to need a lot of help coming together,” Coons added.

Coons also said that he hopes to see Biden’s picks for secretary of defense, secretary of homeland security, secretary of the treasury, and secretary of state confirmed by the end of this week. The nominees are facing Senate panels today in the first step of the confirmation process.

“This is a confirmable Cabinet of folks who can help lead us forward through this challenging and tumultuous moment,” he said.