Free UK Immigration Advice For Ukrainians


A group of volunteer legal professionals with immigration/asylum expertise was set up on 28 February 2022 to provide free UK immigration and asylum advice to Ukrainian citizens affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

To request advice, please contact with some details of your circumstances and advice needed. We will do our best to connect you to a lawyer.

To volunteer to give pro bono legal advice, please contact We have drafted a factsheet to help. You must be qualified to provide immigration advice in the UK.

Безкоштовні консультації з питань імміграції у Великобританію для українців
28 лютого 2022 року було створено групу юридичних спеціалістів-волонтерів, які мають досвід імміграції/притулку, щоб надавати безкоштовні консультації щодо імміграції у Великобританію та надання притулку громадянам України, які постраждали від вторгнення Росії в Україну.

Щоб попросити консультацію, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з і надайте деякі деталі ваших обставин та потрібну консультацію. Ми зробимо все можливе, щоб підключити вас до юриста.

Щоб стати волонтером, щоб надати юридичну консультацію на безоплатній основі, звертайтеся до Ми підготували інформаційний бюлетень, щоб допомогти. Ви повинні мати кваліфікацію, щоб надавати імміграційні консультації у Великобританії.

General Information
You cannot apply for asylum from outside the UK. Ukrainians in the UK may be entitled to refugee status and/or humanitarian protection; those who do not already have indefinite leave to remain in the UK may wish to apply for it but should speak to a lawyer first. The UK government has also announced some measures making it easier for Ukrainians already in the UK to stay on within the mainstream immigration system, including by applying to switch from a visit visa to another type of immigration permission (such as a work or study visa).

Ukrainian passport holders need a visa to travel to the UK and are almost certain to be refused entry without one. There are some visa concessions aimed at Ukrainian citizens, meaning that they might be able to get a visa even if they wouldn’t normally qualify. For example, close family members of British citizens who normally live in Ukraine can apply for a family visa for free; they will get a decision very quickly, even if they wouldn’t normally meet the criteria for the visa or have all the usual documents.

Ukrainian citizens applying for normal UK work or study visas can also be allowed to have the visa without providing the usual supporting documents.

Those without a British sponsor can try applying for a visa to enter the UK as a visitor and including “clear compelling or compassionate reasons for your visit”. They must intend to leave the UK at the end of the visit – a maximum of six months.

Helpful Resources
Main Home Office page on special visa rules for Ukrainians and people in Ukraine

Free Movement summary of immigration and asylum for Ukrainians

Work Rights Centre resources on leaving Ukraine safely, entering neighbouring countries, coming to the UK

The Right to Remain toolkit, a general guide to the UK immigration and asylum system in plain English