Woman With Semi-Automatic Rifle, Other Guns In Vehicle Arrested Outside U.S. Capitol Police headquarters


A woman was arrested Wednesday outside the headquarters for the U.S. Capitol Police after police saw a gun case and the butt of a long gun in her vehicle, the police said. The woman, identified as Kery Lynn McAttee, is facing multiple weapons charges, the police said in a statement to CBS News.

McAttee parked in front of the building and told police she drove to Washington, D.C., from Michigan wanting to talk about “information she had about January 6, 2021,” the police said. The arrest came less than a week after officials marked the first anniversary of the insurrection.

“At this time, there is no evidence the 58-year-old suspect was coming here to do anything, except speak with our officers,” the police said in the statement.

An unloaded .22-caliber rifle and a loaded .410-caliber shotgun were found in her vehicle, the police said.

McAttee was charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of unregistered ammunition, unlawful possession or transportation of a semi-automatic rifle, and unlawful possession of a firearm, the police said.

The agency’s offices near the Capitol is also close to office buildings for the Senate and Washington’s Union Station.

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