US Surpasses 2 Million Cases Of COVID In One Week For The First Time During Pandemic


The United States reported more than 2 million coronavirus cases in one week, breaking yet another record as the omicron variant surges across the country.

The 2.49 million COVID-19 cases within the past week outpaced the previous record of 1.7 million cases from Jan. 3-9, 2021, according to an analysis of Johns Hopkins data.

The entirety of November had just 2.55 million cases, the analysis shows.

The U.S. recorded 647,067 million cases Thursday; more than 2 million were notched in the last four days.

With both the omicron and delta variants infecting people, the U.S. is now averaging about 356,000 cases per day – and more than four cases every second.

On Thursday, December 30, 2021, 16 states reported record case counts: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Washington, and also Puerto Rico.

One of every 10 counties set a record for cases in the week ending Thursday, the analysis shows. U.S. cases are now being reported 95% faster than they were just a week earlier.

Globally, cases are up 61% over the previous week and are approaching 14 cases per second. The global tally has nearly doubled in just two weeks.

The U.S. weekly death count, however, isn’t approaching record levels. The most deaths recorded in a single week were 23,415 during the period of Jan. 10-16 of this year. There have been 10,823 reported deaths in the past week.

The relatively low number of deaths in contrast to high case counts may support early evidence that omicron is more contagious but less severe.