Trump Supporters Threatening To ‘Kill All The D.C. Traitors’ On The Day Of The “Stop the Steal” Rally


The Daily Beast reported on Trump’s intention to essentially chain himself to the Oval Office even after the event that will end with his own vice president announcing his boss has been defeated. Raw Story discovered that buried deep in that story are reports that the most deplorable of the deplorable are openly talking about turning DC into a bloodbath.

According to the report, “the protesters’ mood ahead of the Jan. 6 protest has turned even more desperate.”

“Trump diehards from across the country have organized their travel to Washington on ‘The Donald’ forum,” the Beast’s report states. “One of the hottest topics on the site is how protesters can bring guns to D.C., which would count as a local crime in nearly all circumstances under Washington’s strict gun laws. Others have talked about breaking into federal buildings or committing violence against law enforcement officers who try to stop them from storming Congress.”

One comment that receiving approving nods stated, “I’m thinking it will be a literal war on that day. Where we’ll storm offices and physically remove and even kill all the D.C. traitors and reclaim the country.”

Specifically, “,” successor to r/The_Donald.

For all of their talk about us being socialists and Communists, what these people are doing sounds distinctly fascist. And based on their vow to “storm offices,” we have to wonder how many of them will try to act on Wood’s call for Pence to be strung up.

There is a chance things could get ugly before Wednesday. According to Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, the Hotel Harrington, a frequent spot for Trumpers during past protests, announced last week that it will be closed from Monday through Wednesday—and Trumpers are in a tizzy over it.

Harry’s, the separately owned bar on the Harrington’s first floor, will also be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. In response, several Trumpers plan to camp outside in parks despite cold weather—which raises the possibility of some unnerving scenes on Tuesday night into Wednesday.