Trump: Murkowski is A ‘Disaster,’ While Kelly Tshibaka Will Make A ‘Great Senator’


At Mar-a-Lago in Florida, former President Donald Trump told Alaskans today that U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka will make a great senator. for the 49th state.

He said it was no secret he wants Sen. Lisa Murkowski out because she is bad for Alaska, but after getting to know Kelly “It’s about getting Kelly Tshibaka in!”

Murkowski is bad for roads, bad for the Tongass, bad for oil development, Trump said. “Lisa is a vote for Biden and Biden’s anti-Alaska agenda,” Trump said, as the candidate and her husband Niki Tshibaka stood next to him.

More than 85 flew from Alaska to Florida for the fundraising event at Trump’s seaside golf resort, where he also hosted a fundraiser for Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy several weeks ago. After the formal remarks by Trump and Tshibaka, the Alaskans gathered outside by the pool to continue their fellowship and lifetime opportunity to hang out with a former president.

Tshibaka has also been endorsed by the Alaska Republican Party, which has censured Murkowski and asked her to not run again as a Republican.