Native American Marine Vet Tased by Park Ranger While Walking Dog at National Monument


A Native American man who regularly visits the Petroglyph National Monument claims he was assaulted by a park ranger over the weekend. He has even posted a video that gives a glimpse of what he says was an unjustified tasing. Darrell House says he was out walking his dog when a park ranger tased him for going off the trail.

House says he was walking through the Petroglyphs at the Piedra Mercado trail with his dog, Geronimo when he saw a large group of visitors on the trail ahead, so he decided to cut through the blocked off area to maintain social distancing. He says he’s never had an issue going off-trail before, but this time, a ranger came up behind him and advised him to get back on the designated path. House says he complied, and the ranger began asking for identification, but House refused.

That’s when, House says, the ranger tased him. “I was holding my dog, so my dog got tased as well, he felt the shock, he felt everything. I ended up dropping him when I fell,” said House.

Monday, House says he’s still trying to wrap his mind around the situation, but he can only come up with one reason why the ranger reacted the way he did. “He wanted to show power, dominance, keep me in order. That’s what authority figures are trained to do, to keep people like me in order. To make the ‘Indian’ look crazy, to make them look insane,” said House.

House says the incident won’t stop him from returning to the monument. “I will go back. I am going to continue to do my prayers, going off-trail without permission. Without consent. That is my right,” said House.

House was not arrested, he was given three citations by the federal park ranger for interfering with agency function, false information, and being off-trail. Their website does ask all visitors to remain on the trail at all times. House believes those rules should not apply to him because he’s Native American.

The National Park Service released the following statement in response:

“On December 27, a law enforcement park ranger contacted two visitors who were walking in a closed area off-trail, which is a violation of National Park Service regulations within Petroglyph National Monument. A video capturing part of their interaction and posted to social media has generated questions and interest from the public.

In accordance with National Park Service policy, this incident is under review and has been referred to the NPS Office of Professional Responsibility, our internal affairs unit, for a thorough investigation. While we work to gather the facts of this specific situation, we cannot speculate on the events leading up to what was captured on video. We take any allegation of wrongdoing very seriously and appreciate the public’s patience as we gather the facts of this incident.”

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