Mark Meadows Wife Debra Allegedly Committed Multiple Acts Of Voter Fraud. Why Isn’t She In Jail?


The wife of then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows appears to have filed three false voter forms last year, as her husband helped Donald Trump promote baseless claims of election fraud.

Debra Meadows filled out a one-stop voter application for an early ballot ahead of the 2020 presidential election, along with an absentee ballot she had requested for her husband, in which she certified that she had lived in a small mobile home for at least 30 days — although she did not actually live there, reported the Washington Post.

The New Yorker first reported the couple had submitted voter registration forms that listed as their residence a rusted mobile home that sold for $105,000 in 2021, although neither one of them had ever lived there, and North Carolina officials announced last week the matter was under investigation as possible voter fraud.

The Post found that Debra Meadows signed a voter registration form, an absentee ballot request for her husband and a one-stop application that warned of legal consequences if they were falsely completed and signed.

She also cast a ballot in a 2020 primary runoff that listed an address that was no longer valid for voting, and her husband appears to have signed a voter registration form ahead of that primary but did not cast a vote.

The couple sold their Sapphire, North Carolina, home in March 2020 and lived in a condominium in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, but Debra Meadows used their former address to cast a ballot in the June primary runoff for a candidate for whom she had raised money.

North Carolina requires a voter to have lived in the county where they’re registered for at least 30 days before the election, and both Mark and Debra Meadows listed a post office box in a town about 70 miles from their mobile home as their mailing address, and both voter registration forms filed Sept. 19, 2020, list their move-in date as the following day.