Jan. 6 Committee Seeks Phone Records Of Security Official Employed By Alex Jones


The Jan. 6 select committee has issued a subpoena for the phone records of a security guard for pro-Trump broadcaster Alex Jones, a sign of the panel’s deepening interest in Jones’ contacts related to his involvement in Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 rally, which preceded the violent attack on the Capitol.

In a court filing late Tuesday, Jones revealed that Timothy Enlow, a security official employed by Jones’ firm Free Speech Systems LLC, was notified by AT&T on Feb. 9 that the select committee had subpoenaed his phone records. Enlow, who has worked for Jones since 2018, accompanied Jones in Washington on Jan. 6, when Jones marched from the Ellipse — where Trump held a rally calling for the election results not to be certified — to the Capitol. One of Jones’ other associates, Owen Shroyer, was charged for his conduct outside the Capitol.

Jones is urging U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper to add Enlow to his pre-existing lawsuit against the select committee. Jones sued the committee in December to block a subpoena for his testimony. The subpoena for Enlow’s records, he now asserts, is an end-run around his effort to avoid testifying to the panel — against a witness who might not have the same financial resources to defend himself.

“Jones and Enlow claim that the subpoena issued to obtain Enlow’s communications was merely a back door to obtain Jones’ communications in the face of pending litigation seeking to protect those communications from the Defendants’ eyes,” Jones’ attorney Norm Pattis writes in the filing.

Jones appeared before the select committee under subpoena last month but pleaded the Fifth to the bulk of the questions. He indicated in his court filing Tuesday that he provided “limited” documents in response to their subpoena as well.

In the new filing, Jones indicates that the select committee issued its subpoena for Enlow’s records on Feb. 1. Enlow has indicated that he anticipates being subpoenaed for testimony and documents as well.