Gov. Abbott Leads Beto O’Rourke By 2% In Latest Lyceum Poll


A new statewide poll released Friday showed Gov. Greg Abbott leading Democrat challenger Beto O’Rourke by 2% in the 2022 election for Texas governor.

Abbott led O’Rourke 42% to 40%, while seven percent said they would vote for someone else.

Seven percent responded that they haven’t thought enough about the election to make a decision, and four percent said they either didn’t know or refused to answer.

The poll surveyed 926 registered voters. The margin of error was +/- 3.22%.

These new percentages come from the Texas Lyceum Poll, which is conducted by a Texas nonprofit, non-partisan organization governed by a 96-member board of directors. The group is focused on identifying the state’s next generation of leaders and providing a forum for civil discourse.

The Texas Lyceum hosts meetings and conferences, publishes a nationally-acclaimed annual poll, and offers scholarship and fellowship programs.

The 16th Annual Texas Lyceum Poll was conducted from March 11-March 20, 2022.

A University of Texas/Texas Politics Project poll from February found Abbott leading O’Rourke by 10 percentage points among verified primary voters. According to that poll, independents favor Abbott over O’Rourke nearly 2 to 1.