Get To Know Sobel Promotions DJ Mashdup – An Exclusive Q&A


Dj Mashdup‘s first record release ‘Jus the Groove’ Musicology mix was in 2014 on Biggroove Records. Specializing mainly in House Music. He has also presented shows for party vibe radio and Tranzsista Radio. His music has been played on DJ sets by the likes of Boy George and David Guetta‘s vocalist Tara McDonald. Although making music is his main love, he still DJ’s at the odd festival or two.DJ Mashdup currently works as a Chef at a Charity Hospice (for people that are critically ill and those that need advanced pain relief). This funds his love for music production.

Q: Hello Dj Mashdup. How did you get started in the music business?

A: I’ve always loved Electronic music, and dabbled with DJ’ing in my late teens just as house music was becoming a big thing in the U.K. I thought ‘I’d love to be a music producer’, so enrolled on a music production course at a little studio in Cambridge U.K., where I made my first ever completed dance track.

Q: Did your parents encourage you to follow your dreams to be in the music business or did they tell you to get a real job?

A: Although they encouraged me with music, I was left under no illusion that I needed a REAL job to pay my way in life.

Q:  What music influenced you when growing up?

A: I like all types of music, but I fell in love with Electronica after listening to my sisters Disco records.

Q:  What was the first song you remember buying?

A:  Break Machine – Street Dance. Breakdance was sweeping the U.K in 1984, and I would spend hours learning the moves.

Q:  The music industry is a very difficult profession. What have been your disappointments? Your Triumphs?

A:  Getting knocked back by labels is part and parcel of being a producer, but getting radio play and watching people dance to my track at Ministry Of Sound makes it all worthwhile.

Q: You have your single DJ Mashdup ft. Luan – ‘Take Me Back’ out on Sobel Nation Records. How did you get involved with Sobel Promotions and onto a label?

A: Hours of networking, and sending demos to the right people. I got invited by Barbara Sobel to have a go at remixing a track, and it all took off from there. Everyone involved with Sobel Nationlooks after each other. It’s a great label to be part of.

Q: When not producing, what do you do to relax?

A: Funnily enough, it’s producing and remixing that I find is a great way to distract myself from the ups and downs in life. But I do love to go see new bands down my local Pub.

Q: You are a Remixer and a Producer. Which do you prefer and why?A: I like both equally.

Q:  What do program do you use for remixing?

A: Ableton. I tried a few others but preferred the layout and it seemed to make the workflow easier.

Q: How do you decide what type of style you will use when you remix a song?

A: I try not to listen to the original, and generally just work with the vocals. I take a few listens to get a vibe on how I want the remix to sound, and take it from there.Q:  If you could work with any artist, who would it be?A: Deadmau5. Like me, he can’t play the piano so it would be interesting to see how he goes about producing a track.Q: Who are your favorite artists?A: Too many to list, but currently Deadmau5, Calvin Harris and Sigala to name a few.Q: Is it difficult for you to compose original material? What is your inspiration?

A: Composing original stuff is the same as doing a remix just using the vocals. It can come together in a few hours, or take what seems like forever. If I get stuck, I listen to music that I wouldn’t normally listen to for an hour or so.

Q:  What was your greatest accomplishment for 2018 and what plans do you have for 2019?

A: This year I have had the opportunity to remix new tracks for some of the music idols from my youth, including U.K Soul artist Kenny Thomas (Thinking About Your Love), and Rozalla(Everybody’s Free). I’ve had a great year, and plan to bring out many more tracks with Sobel Nation next year.

Q:  Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

A: Thank you so much for your support. Watch This Space!! xxDJ Mashdup is promoted by Barbara Sobel/Sobel Promotions (