Despite Lawyer’s Statement, DMX Remains On Life Support, Prognosis ‘Not Looking Good’


DMX has not been taken off life support despite his longtime lawyer releasing a statement saying the rapper’s health was improving.

On April 2, 2021, Friday night, DMX was rushed to a hospital in White Plains, New York. He reportedly suffered a heart attack after overdosing on drugs at his home.

A family member of DMX told TMZ that paramedics tried resuscitating him for 30 minutes, and during that time he was deprived of oxygen. Doctors told the family the lack of oxygen severely impacted DMX’s brain. One family source said, “It’s not looking good.”

On Saturday, DMX’s lawyer, Murray Richman released a statement in which he said the rapper’s health was improving and he had been taken off life support. Richman said his client started breathing on his own.

He said, “He was on life support. He’s been taken off of life support. He is breathing on his own but there is a little brain activity.”

Richman said he was unsure what caused the heart attack despite the reports of an overdose. He added, “Earl is a sweet guy. Earl was a person who could tell such a story. He was a person with such depth. It’s a heartbreaker.”

He did admit, “It would be disingenuous of me to suggest that I am not a worried man.” However, hours later, Richman came out saying he misspoke and was given bad information about DMX’s status. He said the rapper was still on life support and was not breathing on his own despite what he previously told the media.

DMX’s rep released a statement reading, “Last night Earl ‘DMX’ Simmons was rushed to the hospital after collapsing at home. At this time he remains in ICU in critical condition. Earl has been a warrior his entire life. This situation represents yet another road he must conquer.”

They added, “The Simmons Family appreciates the overwhelming outpouring of heartfelt love, encouragement, support, and prayers for Earl. Earl is someone whose life and music have been a source of inspiration and strength to so many people around the world. It is reassuring to see his fans return that same passion and energy to him during his time of need.”

Sources say DMX’s family is currently flying out to see him at the hospital.