BBC Apologizes For Interviewing Alan Derschowitz About Ghisaline Maxwell After He Was Implicated By Epstein Victim


The BBC is apologizing for interviewing Alan Dershowitz about Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction despite his entanglement in the saga of Jeffrey Epstein.

BBC News spoke to Dershowitz for his take shortly after Maxwell was found guilty for 5 of the 6 charges she faced as Epstein’s accomplice for his sex trafficking of young women. The network’s decision to speak with Epstein struck some people as odd, however, because of the fact that Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre has accused Dershowitz of sexually abusing her back when he was Epstein’s lawyer.

Dershowitz was introduced on BBC News without any disclaimer of his connection to the Epstein case. He proceeded to attack Giuffre for the credibility of her accusations against himself and Prince Andrew, plus he celebrated the fact that prosecutors didn’t call Giuffre as a witness in Maxwell’s trial.

Hours after Dershowitz’s interview aired, the BBC released a statement acknowledging that the segment “did not meet the BBC’s editorial standards,” and they should’ve provided more context.