U.S. Panel Probing Jan. 6 Attack Seeks Interview With Ivanka Trump


The U.S. House of Representatives’ panel investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol is seeking an interview with former U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter and White House aide Ivanka Trump, it said on Thursday.

In a letter to Trump, lawmakers said they were seeking her voluntary cooperation as part of their ongoing probe and would limit their questions to issues related to events surrounding that day, including activities leading up to or influencing it and her role in the White House at that time.

The panel noted that she “was present in the Oval Office” during key conversations leading up to Jan. 6, and observed a telephone conversation between the president and Vice President Mike Pence on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021.

The former president has blasted the committee’s probe as a partisan effort and has sought to block other aides’ testimony and White House documents from reaching the panel.

A lawyer for Ivanka Trump could not be immediately reached to comment on the committee’s request.

U.S. Representative Liz Cheney, vice-chair of the committee and one of its two Republican members, said earlier this month that the panel has “firsthand testimony” that Ivanka Trump asked her father to intervene during the Capitol riots.

“We know his daughter — we have firsthand testimony that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to ‘please stop this violence,'” Cheney said in a Jan. 2 interview with ABC News’s “This Week.