Naomi Biden To Be Married On White House Lawn November 19, 2022


Naomi Biden, President Joe Biden’s eldest granddaughter, will have her fall wedding on the South Lawn of the White House — the first time the White House has hosted nuptials since 2013.

“Sooo not sure how best to update but was supposed to do so weeks ago…but we have finally figured out where the ceremony will be…and much to the relief of secret service and with the dogs’ endorsement…we’ll be getting married on the South Lawn! Couldn’t be more excited,” the 28-year-old Naomi Biden, an attorney, wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

Aides had previously announced that she and her 25-year-old fiancé, lawyer Peter Neal, would have a reception at the White House on Nov. 19.

“Peter and I are endlessly grateful to my Nana and Pop for the opportunity to celebrate our wedding at the White House. We can’t wait to make our commitment to one another official and for what lies ahead,” Naomi Biden, daughter of the president’s younger son, Hunter, tweeted in April.

The White House has said the Biden family would be covering the reception cost as is consistent with other private events hosted by the first family and in keeping with the tradition of wedding festivities under prior administrations.